Tuesday, 26 August 2008


My last visit with my supervisor got me all fired up and inspired. It was good stuff he said - definite PhD quality but I needed to up my productivity. We discussed my slow progress and I set out a plan for the holidays. Do some work every day he said and I resolved that I would.

I decided that I'd work in bed every morning for two or three hours. The kids could fend for themselves.

The first week though I had to see my sister and then we went camping. I took some reading and I did a bit of that in the tent. The next week we went to my mum's. I did a little reading one morning but my mum was fragile and offered little opportunity to work. When we got back we had a lazy week, but I was badly distracted by the olympics which were on in the morning and I was seriously hooked. I worked and watched at the same time but got little done. Then - camping again, work was taken but not touched. Now the olympics is over but I got stuck on a Jodi Picoult book and couldn't drag myself away.

I've finished the book, but instead of getting back to my PhD I'm writing this blog. I don't get it. I enjoy doing the work, I need to do the work, I know that I must get on with it........so why don't I do it? What is it that's stopping me?


The Woman who Can said...

It's the fact that you know you have to do it, and you're being a rebel. It's like being back at school! When I was studying I would dust my skirtingboards rather than study, never mind do fun stuff. And have they seen a duster since I've finished? No sirree bob.

Kid yourself into doing it. Say 'I will read a chapter of my book if I write a page' (or whatever). That always helped me. You have to give yourself a reward, and if you're virtuous and stick to it, treat yourself to a glass of wine. Or a bottle. Or a bloody big bucket of it.

I haven't stopped drinking though.

Lots of luck!


riverwillow said...

Because you know that othing quite beats the adrenelin, and pain, of writing it at the last minute! After all rather than spend the last couple of days before deadline winding yourself up into a panic because you've finished it and decided that you've written complete drivel, so you start a last minute rewrite - wind yourself into a complete panic knowing you have 48 hours and 6,000 words to find from somewhere, anywhere as you've just got to subsmit the bloody thing.

Or try Tina's suggestion :o)

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing stopping you and that's you!! Once you get stuck into it you won't be able to put it down. Bit like that good book you've been reading.

Good luck
CJ xx

belle said...

It's weird, isn't it? I like Tina's explanation but then I've always wanted to be a rebel without a cause. I sincerely hope you get it cracked because I'm looking to you for tips for when I get onto mine :)

ADDY said...

I often find if I have loads of different things to do that all demand my attention,I split the daytime up into hourly or 2-hourly sections and pretend they are like lessons at school or college. I then say to myself that I will tidy the kitchen for the first session, then do a big grocery shop for the second session and go through the bills and paperwork for the next session and so on, as if I were moving from a Maths lesson to a German lesson at school. I also work in a morning coffee break or lunch or afternoon break too. That way, you get a little bit of everything done each day and before you know it, each of the projects have been completed.

I suspect you are putting the project off because you know you have to do it and there is so much of it. It is a weight hanging over you, but divide it up into manageable sections and it will seem less onerous.

Around My Kitchen Table said...

I'm just about to write a magazine article - just let me play one game of Spider Solitaire; I must clean out the fridge - after I've finished reading the newspaper; it's time to visit the gym - oh, that's a nice dress in that shop window......
Me procrastinate? Never been known....

Mean Mom said...

I excel at procrastination. I don't know why you do it. I don't know why I do it, either, unless it is a really unpleasant task, of course, then it's obvious. It could be something to do with the amount of time available. If there is only a short amount of time available, it certainly focuses my mind. If there is plenty of time, my mind tends to wander a bit.

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I am a legend in my own lunchtime for procrastination on anything challenging but once I start, I get religion on it. Get cracking woman!

Searching Soul said...

I see procrastination more like a respite or a breather. When one is into it, he/she is still priming up himself/herself to be more prepared.

Well, that's an honest opinion from a "procrastiholic."

Is there such a word? I'll think about it some time later...